I have a small computer that I recycled acting as a mediacenter; low-end cpu and 1GB of RAM is enough, a
dedicated graphic card to decode high bitrate 1080p movies is preferred or use a decent CPU (>= Intel i3) to do it.
I installed Xubuntu instead of Ubuntu because it requires less resources (CPU and RAM). I use this computer for VPN and p2p as well.
#Share hard drives over your local network
We will copy movies or content from our local network (windows or linux computers) to this mediacenter, so we use samba to share the drives.
##Install Samba
sda, sdb correspond to drives, numbers are for partitions.
Now if you have different hard drives or usb drives, maybe you do not know which drive is mapped to sda or sdb.
We can use the following command to find more information about one drive. This information is usually printed on the sticker on your hard drive.
##Auto-mount your drives at startup
##Configure Samba to share the hard drives
Reboot your computer and you are done
#Install mediacenter software to organize your movies/tv shows
A very nice and popular tool is Kodi -formerly known as xbmc- Kodi manages our library of movies/tv shows/music, organize them in categories and downloads the covers.