Some design patterns conversions from Java to Scala

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A coffee is a good example where a decorator might be needed. At a coffee machine, you can select a high number of combinations among coffee types, additions like sugar or milk. You do not want to create a static class for each of this combination. You would have so many, it would be awful. Instead use a decorator.

Coffee Decorator in Java

package patterns;

interface Coffee {
    String ingredients();

    Float cost();

class SimpleCoffee implements Coffee {
    public String ingredients() {
        return "Coffee";

    public Float cost() {
        return 3f;

abstract class CoffeeDecorator implements Coffee {
    protected Coffee decoratedCoffee;

    public CoffeeDecorator(Coffee decoratedCoffee) {
        this.decoratedCoffee = decoratedCoffee;

    public String ingredients() {
        return decoratedCoffee.ingredients();

    public Float cost() {
        return decoratedCoffee.cost();

class SugarDecorator extends CoffeeDecorator {

    public SugarDecorator(Coffee decoratedCoffee) {

    public String ingredients() {
        return decoratedCoffee.ingredients() + ", Sugar";

    public Float cost() {
        return decoratedCoffee.cost() + 0.5f;

class MilkDecorator extends CoffeeDecorator {

    public MilkDecorator(Coffee decoratedCoffee) {

    public String ingredients() {
        return decoratedCoffee.ingredients() + ", Milk";

    public Float cost() {
        return decoratedCoffee.cost() + 1f;

public class Decorator {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Coffee coffee = new SugarDecorator(new MilkDecorator(new SimpleCoffee()));
        System.out.println("Ingredients: " + coffee.ingredients());
        System.out.println("Cost: " + coffee.cost());

Coffee Decorator in Scala

trait Coffee {
  def ingredients: String
  def cost: Float

class SimpleCoffee extends Coffee {
  def ingredients = "Coffee"
  def cost = 3f

trait Sugar extends Coffee {
  abstract override def ingredients = "Sugar" + "," + super.ingredients
  abstract override def cost = 0.5f + super.cost

trait Milk extends Coffee {
  abstract override def ingredients = "Milk" + "," + super.ingredients
  abstract override def cost = 1f + super.cost

object Main extends App {
  val coffee = new SimpleCoffee with Sugar with Milk
  println("Ingredients: " + coffee.ingredients)
  println("Cost: " + coffee.cost)