Reverse in place words order in a string in Scala

Reverse a string in an immutable fashion

If you do not care about the extra memory and CPU used to garbage collect the intermediate created strings, opt for this one liner version.

def reverseWordsOrder(phrase: String) =
   // -1 is to keep whitespaces
  (phrase.reverse.split(" ", -1) map(_.reverse)).mkString(" ")

Reverse a string in an mutable fashion -constant memory space-

This involves to do more work, so do it only when it is meaningful.

A method to reverse an array of chars in place

A string is an immutable object but it is easy to convert once from a string to an array of chars

* Reverse array in place from start to end inclusive
def reverse(arr: Array[Char], start: Int, end: Int) = {
  if (end > start) {
    (0 to (end - start)/2) foreach { i =>
    val iStart = i + start
    val iEnd = end -i
    val b = arr(iStart)
    arr(iStart) = arr(iEnd)
    arr(iEnd) = b

A method to reverse the order of words in a phrase in place

 "I love you" becomes "you love I"
 Preserves whitespaces
 Any non whitespace is considered part of the word -naive-
def reverseWordsOrderInPlace(phrase: String) = {
  val arr = phrase.toCharArray
  val l = phrase.length - 1
  // Start by reversing all the chars in the string
  reverse(arr, 0, l)
  // A word start whenever there is no word already started and when the char is not a whitespace
  var startWordIndex: Option[Int] = None
  (0 to l) foreach { i =>
    if (startWordIndex.isDefined) {
      // Ending phrase or new space after word
      if (i == l || arr(i) == ' ') {
        val endIndex = if (i == l && arr(i) != ' ') i else i - 1
        // Rereverse the word only
        reverse(arr, startWordIndex.get, endIndex)
        // We finished with this word, now let's look for the next one
        startWordIndex = None
    } else if (arr(i) != ' ') {
      /*First word char*/
      startWordIndex = Some(i)

Testing our code

We first test our reverse helper function. We let scalacheck generates a big number of input strings and verify it against scala already existing string.reverse method.
Then we can proceed to test our reverseWordsOrderInPlace and reverseWordsOrder methods.

package reverse

import org.specs2.Specification
import org.specs2.ScalaCheck

import ReversePhrase._

class ReversePhraseTest extends Specification with ScalaCheck {
  def is = s2"""
   This is a specification to check the 'reverse phrase but words'
   The reverse function is correct                                                         $e1
   The phrase should be reversed in place but the words chars remain in order              $e10
   The phrase should be reversed but the words chars remain in order                       $e11
   The phrase should be reversed in place but the words chars remain in order with spaces  $e20
   The phrase should be reversed but the words chars remain in order with spaces           $e21
  def e1 = prop {
    (s: String) => s.reverse == { 
      val chars = s.toCharArray
      reverse(chars, 0 , s.length - 1)
  def e10 = reverseWordsOrderInPlace("I am a legend") must_== "legend a am I"
  def e11 = reverseWordsOrder("I am a legend") must_== "legend a am I"
  def e20 = reverseWordsOrderInPlace(" I am a  legend  ") must_== "  legend  a am I "
  def e21 = reverseWordsOrder(" I am a  legend  ") must_== "  legend  a am I "

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